Polish stamp named the most beautiful in the world | |
(08-07-2014) |

In the philatelic world the title of “The Most Beautiful Stamp in the World” is the equivalent of an Oscar. During the 44th International Philatelic Art Awards in Asiago (Italy) this title was awarded to the stamp entitled “The World Post Day – 455 years of POLISH POST” produced by PWPW.
For the Polish Post and PWPW this is yet another honour confirming the highest quality of the products made together.
"The stamp designed by Agnieszka Sancewicz presents the tree rings on a section of an oak trunk that symbolically refer to the traditions and the longevity of the Polish Post,” says Piotr Wojcieszek, the Secured Prints Production Director at PWPW “We are glad that PWPW can be a part of this tradition, by producing beautiful and technologically complex stamps.”
The winning PLN 4,60 stamp entitled “The World Post Day – 455 years of POLISH POST” was issued on 18 October 2013 and it had been designed by utilising the rotogravure technology in 5 colours, with one of them being gold. The stamp’s circulation is 420.000 copies.
“PWPW’s employees each honour of this type is a very personal thing. I am proud that each stamp bears the acronym of its manufacturer: PWPW. Our name is a synonym of quality and secure production.” said Piotr Wojcieszek.
The stamps manufactured by PWPW have been receiving awards and honourable mentions at numerous competitions.
- “Europe” – in 2013, thanks to the internet users’ votes the Europe-issue stamp placed 3rd (together with the Swiss Post) in the international competition organised by PostEurop.
- “Europe” Forests – 1st place the most beautiful philatelic form of art during the 42nd International Philatelic Art Awards in Asiago (the stamp smelling of juniper was named the most beautiful in the world from among all the stamps issued in 2011).
- International competition “PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE FILATELICA SAN GABRIELE” in Italy – Offset stamp entitled “Beatification of Pope John Paul II” as the most beautiful religiously-themed stamp. Previously, the stamp entitled “25thanniversary of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko’s death” had also received an award.
- 13th conference of government postage stamp printers in Brazil. The stamp entitled “65th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising” named the most beautiful stamp in the combined print techniques category (steel engraving + rotogravure)
- International competition of the Government Postage Stamp Printers Association: the stamp entitled “600th anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald” received a reward in the rotogravure stamp category.