1.5 million requests for the Large Family Card | |
(04-12-2015) |

The “Large Family Card” support programme for multi-child families grows with each day. Polish Security Printing Works, which designed and produces the cards, has just received the request for production of the 1.5 millionth document. The card ordered will soon be sent to a family from Kawęczyn in the Wielkopolskie province.
The Large Family Card is awarded to each member of a 3+ family, which means a family with at least three children, as well as foster families and family-type children's homes. The parents’ cards are valid indefinitely, and the children may use discounts until they are 18 or 25 years old, if they continue their education. The card is awarded free of charge and irrespective of the family income. Right now the Large Family Cards are used by nearly 1.4 million people in Poland. According to the estimations of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy the goal is to include 3.4 million people in the programme.
Thanks to the card large families can use attractive discounts in many retail chains, grocery stores, mobile telephony operators, fuel stations, as well as leisure and cultural institutions. The Large Family Cards are accepted by more than one thousand companies and institutions in Poland.
The programme has already been joined by, among others, the mobile telephony networks PLAY and T-Mobile, the Świat Książki and Bonito bookstores, the Copernicus Science Centre and the National Museum, PKP Intercity, Orlen and Lotos petrol stations, as well as nationwide grocery store chains, including but not limited to Carrefour, Piotr i Paweł, and Simply.
However, large, nation-wide companies aren't the only partners of the Large Family Card programme. The programme is also supported by many local enterprises, so large families may use the services of companies they know well and that are located close to their homes.
“We joined the Large Family Card programme this past spring. Our goal was to increase the attractiveness of our facility on the local market and to help the families that are facing the challenge of bringing up three or more children,” explained Wiesława Ziembińska, headmaster of the “KRASNAL” private kindergarten in Olsztyn.
All facilities that offer discounts are marked with the special sign of “We accept the Large Family Card here”.
The host of the Large Family Card programme is the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. More information on this subject can be found at: www.rodzina.gov.pl