The Reduta Foundation of the Polish Securities Printing Works – the Polish History Memorial Foundation | |
(03-06-2016) |

On 3 June 2016, in the presence of Juliusz Kulesza, soldier of the Home Army - Polish resistance movement during World War II and participant in the Warsaw uprising fightings at the Polish Securities Printing Works, the Management Board of PWPW signed the founding charter of the Reduta Foundation.
The main objectives of the Foundation are to raise awareness and national identity in the areas of economic activity of the Polish State and Polish Society, promote the knowledge about the economic development and economic activity of the State Treasury in the Republic of Poland in the years 1918-1939, consolidate and promote the knowledge about the activity of the underground movement fighting for independence during World War II and the Warsaw Uprising, in particular the activities of the PWB/ 17/ S division and the "Agaton" division of the Home Army formed by the Founder's employees, carry out activities related to the commemoration of historical events, places and persons in the history of fighting and martyrdom of the Polish Nation in Poland and abroad between 8 November 1917 and 31 July 1990, consolidate and disseminate historical knowledge about the activities of the anti-communist underground movement and soldiers of the so-called 2nd conspiracy and honour the victims of the communist repressive regime, disseminate contemporary economic knowledge about the principles of functioning and the role and Treasury-owned companies in Poland’s economic policy, including in particular the role of the Founder in the issuance of the national currency and promote the knowledge of the security of circulation of public documents and innovative character of documents produced in the IT environment and the principles of development and functioning of e-Administration.
The Foundation will acquire legal personality upon its entry into the register of foundations.