PWPW S.A. in Singapore to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ASEF | |
(05-06-2017) |

PWPW S.A. has been actively involved in celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Euro-Asian organization ASEF. More than 100 delegates – ambassadors and diplomats – from 51 Member States will arrive in Singapore on 8-9 June. The activity of the ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation) plays unprecedented role in establishing dialogue with Asia-Pacific States which are immensely important for Poland’ foreign policy, business and cultural exchanges.
Poland has been an active ASEF member since 2004 when it joined the European Union.
Asia-Europe Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation whose purposes involve mainly the promotion of intellectual and cultural exchanges and building relationships between the countries of both continents. The organisation has completed more than 700 projects involving more than 20,000 people from Europe and Asia. ASEF’s activity is closely related to diplomatic cooperation, work with governmental institutions, universities, cultural centres, museums and other civil society organisations. Strong and dynamic activity and the gamut of events held by the ASEF enables Member States to establish interactions and exchanges in many aspects – from individual, people-to-people contacts to dialogue on the highest diplomatic level. Visit the organisation’s website and see what projects are underway.
The Polish Security Printing Works prepared a special promotional passport for that event. Passports will be personalised on the spot at PWPW’s promotional stand available to all interested delegates. Such commemorative passport will not only raise the profile of such event and will be an exceptional souvenir for the participants, but most of all will demonstrate PWPW’s technical capability for passport design, production and personalisation.
The graphical design of the passport draws on the organisation’s activity and encourages to travel through European and Asian countries. Each page of the passport presents items of architecture and cultural heritage of ASEF Member States and features of Poland’s landscapes. The commemorative passport was available with two types of datapage: paper datapage – for ink-jet personalisation, and polycarbonate datapage – personalised using a special laser. A polycarbonate datapage placed (stitched in) a passport using a margin is a PWPW’s proprietary, patented solution. The use of such page in a passport enables us to include in a single document security features characteristic both for polycarbonate and paper documents. The passport presents PWPW’s in-house solutions for security features, such as the above-mentioned datapage and other: laser-engraved paper (LEAP), SafeI - a window security feature in polycarbonate that is laser-personalised, as well as the state-of-the-art and effective security techniques used in travel documents and other high security prints.