(04-09-2017) |

On 10 September 2017 the Reduta PWPW Foundation will hold another Uprising Picnic for the citizens of Warsaw and other interested parties.
The event will take place in Warsaw in the Square of the 1 st Armoured Division of the Polish Army located next to the Multimedia Fountain Park. There will be many attractions for children and teenagers, and also for the older guests. The event will begin at 10:00 and, bearing in mind all elements of its schedule, it will last until midnight. The picnic itself will begin at 14:00, but starting from the aforementioned 10:00 along Sanguszki and Rybaki streets there will be a show of equipment used by uniformed services (including but not limited to the military), for example tanks and motorbikes, as well as equipment used during World War II, the Warsaw Uprising, and military uniforms from that era. After that, there will be an urban game whose results will be announced during the Picnic’s opening.
During the Picnic there will be contests for children and teenagers testing their knowledge of history. There will also be dedicated stands of the invited institutions and organisations, such as the Police, Border Guard, Polish Army, Military Police etc.. The attractions available at PWPW’s stand will include personalisation of cards for children, presentation of manual paper making, as well as commemorative prints made on an historical Boston hand-operated printing press.
We also have concerts planned. Arka Noego will play for the youngest audience, while at 18:00 the older guests will be entertained by the “Od Czapy” Musical Theatre from Garwolin, Contra Mundum, as well as the show’s star – the Luxtorpeda band.
From 21:30 until midnight, the PWPW building at 35 Rybaki str. will act as the screen for a multimedia show utilising, among other things, the 3D mapping technology.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!