Polish e-identity card in 2019 – representatives of the MIAA and PWPW anticipate | |
(07-12-2017) |

The international Impact Fintech'17 conference in Katowice is another opportunity for PWPW to show its technological potential, talk to startups and reveal some of its plans. The representatives of the Workd assured that they were technologically ready to produce e-identity cards for Poles, and they announced the first quarter of 2019 as a possible date by which they would be available for use.
During the two-day "Impact Fintech'17" conference in Katowice, the Polish Security Printing Works (PWPW) presents modern solutions related to the production of e-identity cards. During a debate entitled "PL-ID: are we there yet? Tomasz Zdzikot, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, and Member of the Management Board of PWPW S.A. Robert Malicki talked of the state of preparations leading to the launch of Poland's e-identity card.
Debate on e-documents
Tomasz Zdzikot reminded that the project of implementing an identity card with an electronic layer in Poland is being developed in co-operation with the Ministry of Digitization (project co-ordination), Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration and Ministry of Health, because - as he explained - "there is also a component that will make it possible to confirm in the future that a benefit has been received, i.e. simply a visit to a doctor".
The Council of Ministers adopted the concept of e-identity card developed by three ministries in August, and now - in the inter-ministerial team in the Steering Committee - project work is underway. "We hope that the implementation of this new document, a new ID card with a chip, will be completed, as originally assumed, in the first quarter of 2019". - said Tomasz Zdzikot.
The documents are supposed to be very similar to the current ones, and the data that is now visible will be available in an electronic layer. "In addition, biometric data will be included and this will increase the security of identity verification" - Robert Malicki said.
Tomasz Zdzikot pointed out that there are now many tools and techniques of digital identity confirmation, but an ID card with an electronic layer will be "the most common and secure solution to confirm identity in the digital world, enabling the development of on-line services".
Robert Malicki compared the new document to a key that would allow moving in all digital systems (e.g. health or library), but these institutions would have to use in their systems an interface allowing them to read the e-identity card.
The introduction of new id cards will not force the replacement of existing and still valid ones. However, anyone interested will be able to apply for a new ID card. Interest may be high, as the e-identity card will have several new functionalities in addition to confirming identity and the possibility to travel within the Schengen area. These include making declarations of will, obtaining a confirmation of a visit to a doctor or giving consent to access to medical records. It is estimated that thanks to these facilities, the healthcare service will save PLN 650 million annually.
"This will be an absolutely flexible solution. Every idea that can make use of digital identity will be applied", emphasised Robert Malicki. "We will give a key to the digital identity of citizens, which can be applied virtually everywhere". - added Malicki.
Decisions soon
“There are no major legal obstacles. Next year, there are plans to submit an amendment to the Personal Identity Card Act to the Parliament and the Senate". - Maciej Jankowski, Product Development Manager at PWPW, informed. He assured that the company was prepared to produce the e-identity cards and reminded that the company was already producing them for Armenia and Lithuania, among others.
Offer of PWPW for start-ups
The Company is interested in co-operation with start-ups operating mainly in the area of cyber security, biometrics and document security.
"We look forward to new ideas and inspirations in the development of our areas of interest. - said Maciej Jankowski. Start-ups that establish co-operation with PWPW can count on participation in projects in which the Company takes part.
Information source: PAP Press Centre