(27-04-2017) |

On 25 April 2017 the Polish Securities Printing Works hosted a delegation of the State Migration Service of Ukraine headed by the Minister of State, Mr. Maxim Sokoliuk - President of the State Migration Service of Ukraine and representatives of the National Border Guard Headquarters.
In April 2017, Representatives of the State Migration Service of Ukraine visited PWPW. The Ukrainian side plans to increase the production and issuance of identity documents and travel documents, containing the necessary security features in view of the waiver of visa obligation for Ukrainian citizens scheduled for 2017. PWPW President, Piotr Woyciechowski personally welcomed the delegation in the showroom of the Company. During the visit the guests were shown the technological possibilities of PWPW with special emphasis on biometrics and its practical application. The delegation also heard lectures on "Selected solutions of PWPW for border traffic" and "Modern security solutions offered by PWPW on the example of four seasons passport". During the visit, the guests had the opportunity to get acquainted with the process of biometric passport personalization, based on our solution for the collection and verification of biometric data. At the show stand, the guests were shown personalized historical passports.
The Ukrainian delegation, apart from the President of the State Migration Service of Ukraine, was composed of the following persons: Serhiy Donskyi - Director of the Security Department of the State Migration Service, Nataliia Naumenko - Head of the Department for Foreigners and Stateless Persons of the State Migration Service, Olena Pogrebniak - Head of the Chief Directorate of the State Migration Service of the Odessa Oblast, Kseniya Lukianets - Head of the Chief Directorate of the State Migration Service of the Chernihiv Oblast and Olena Dubchak - Head of the Security Management Board of the State Migration Service.
The Polish Border Guard was represented byAndrzej Jakubaszek - Director of the Management Board in charge of Foreigners of the National Border Guard Headquarters, Adam Pacuk - Deputy Commander of the Bieszczady Division of the Border Guard and Iwona Przybyłowicz – Advisor to the Management Board in charge of Foreigners, Beata Szachowicz - translator – expert at the International Cooperation Office of the National Border Guard Headquarters.
We believe that the beginning of the exchange of experience will result in future Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.