Security | |

Each stage of production at PWPW is carried out according to strictly specified norms and rigorously observed procedures aimed at ensuring the highest quality of products and the maximum level of security.
The specifics of PWPW's production requires an effective, efficient and advanced security system. This applies not only to the protection of premises, security of production, protection of information and IT resources but also to personal safety of employees. The implemented procedures and instructions pertaining to production security are supported by state-of-the-art electronic systems such as building video monitoring system, production line monitoring systems, access control systems, burglary and assault signalling systems or advanced fire protection systems.
The information protection has been regulated in internal rules and policies in force at PWPW.
These rules and policies provide for safe conditions for the processing of legally protected information as well as measures aimed at preventing its illegal or unauthorised use or distribution.
In addition, PWPW ensures security of personal data entrusted to it for processing. Documents are personalised exclusively in specialised rooms protected with electronic and physical access control systems. IT hardware and systems used for data processing comply with applicable standards and provisions of law. The employees of PWPW hold all necessary licences and authorisations required under the Personal Data Protection Act.
PWPW ensures IT and communication security of legally protected information processed in its systems as well as IT and communication networks. It holds an industrial security certificate of first degree ("strictly confidential” clause) and an international certificate for the EU "secret" clause.
In addition, PWPW has been included in the list of entities authorised by the European Central Bank to print Euro banknotes.