PWPW S.A. sings an agreement with the Prison Service | |
(21-04-2017) |

On 21 April 2017 at the head office of the Central Board of the Prison Service at ul. Rakowiecka 37a in Warsaw the Prison Service and the Polish Securities Printing Works signed a cooperation agreement.
On behalf of PWPW the agreement was signed by Piotr Woyciechowski, President of the Management Board and Robert Wardak, Member of the Management Board. The Prison Service was represented by General Director of the Prison Service, General Jacek Kitliński and Deputy General Director, Colonel Jerzy Kopeć.
The purpose of the signed agreement is the exchange of experience and training of employees and officers, cooperation in the field of document authentication, identity of individuals as well as escorted transport of persons and property and protection of objects. The Parties also anticipate to develop cooperation in other areas related to enhancing security standards.
During the visit to the Central Board of the Prison Service, the Delegation of PWPW had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Cursed Soldiers and Political Prisoners opened at the Detention Center of the People's Republic of Poland.
In these walls, after the Communists took over power, prisoners were interrogated, imprisoned and murdered, among others, General August Fieldorf alias Nil, Colonel Łukasz Ciepliński alias Pług, Major Zygmunt Szendzielarz alias Łupaszka, Major Hieronim Dekutowski alias Zapora, Captain Witold Pilecki alias Witold and many, many others.
The guests were particularly impressed by the preserved solitary confinement rooms with dimensions that prevented the prisoner from taking a natural standing position. The period of detention in the solitary confinement room often lasted several days. Also Captain Pilecki was detained in this solitary confinement room. It is also impossible not to mention two rooms in the cellar: dry solitary confinement and wet solitary confinement, and the terrifying vestibule of both rooms in which using the Katyń method, namely a shot in the back of the head, heroes of the Polish underground movement were given the death sentence.
The museum's plans, presented by the hosts, make believe that it will be an important place frequently visited by Warsaw residents and tourists, promoting the knowledge about the true face of communism and the people who were fighting against this criminal regime.
More information about the museum on the Prison Service website: