Safe, state-of-the-art, functional. These include not only passports and IDs but also communication documents, cards/certificates and licences.

A passport or any other travel document authorising its holder to cross state borders is one of the key documents required during international trips. PWPW offers state-of-the-art and tested solutions enabling verification and identification of identity of persons at any place designed for this purpose. E-passports produced at PWPW are equipped with microchips where the key biometric data of the holder is saved, stored and protected, i.e., his/her digital photograph and fingerprints. |
Every day, millions of people in Poland and abroad use identification documents produced at PWPW. These documents certify their identity, rights/authorisations and qualifications as well as function as travel documents. Products offered by PWPW meet the highest standards required upon identification and verification of identity and guarantee durability and reliability of the proposed solutions. |
Visa is an extremely important document for border and citizens safety. It is a written permit to cross the state border or stay abroad, issued to foreigners by diplomatic or consular corps of the given state. Most often visas are in the form of a sticker affixed in the passport or any other travel document, but they may also have the form of a stamp or a written annotation. |
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