In spring 1940, by personal order from general "Grot" Rowecki, major Miczysław Chyżyński ps. (pseudonym) "Pełka" appointed a group of PWPW employees, under second lieutenant Czesław Lech's ps. "Biały" command, with an underground name PWB/17, who printed banknotes and other documents for the needs of the Home Army and sabotaged the activities of the German management of the Company. The Printer Company employees who joined the group swore an oath before a Cross, which – saved by Czesław Lech's wife after the Warsaw Uprising – was carefully cherished in lieutenant "Biały's" family ever since. By the end of 1942, in view of the growing threat of exposure, this action was ceased, however during 2 years over a dozen million zlotys were delivered for the needs of the Home Army. By order from the Chief Commandant of the HA dated 30 December 1942, 11 persons were awarded the Gold Cross of Merits with Swords and 17 persons received the Silver Cross of Merits with Swords.
During the Warsaw Uprising the PWB/17/S as an autonomous battle group, supported by HA groups attacking from outside, took control of the PWPW S.A. building on 2 August 1944. For 27 days the PWPW S.A. building was one of the main centres of resistance of the insurrectionary Old Town. Under fire from the ground and air The Printer was defended – apart from the PWB/17/S – also by company "Osa" – since 10 August, on 21 August the main burden of defence was taken over by group HA "Leśnik", and for the last day of defence they were assisted by platoon "Sarmak" – over 600 persons all in all. The staff of the insurrectionary Printer defended themselves till 28 August 1944. During evacuation i.a. lieutenant "Biały" was killed, he commanded those who remained from group PWB/17/S. In the Printer basement, in the hospital arranged there, about 30 seriously wounded insurgents remained, with doctor Hanna Petrynowska - "Rana", who took care of them. They were all brutally killed by the German troops coming in.
Author: Radosław Mierzejewski

Chyżyński Mieczysław "Pełka", major – commander of the group, commandant of defence of PWPW
Bańkowski Jan "Kajtek", rifleman
Benirowska Maria "Malinowska", administrative section
Bereziecki Kazimierz "Bacik", rifleman
Bereziecki Mieczysław, liaison officer
Bernaciński Piotr, sergeant
Berndt Janusz "Longinus", "Witold", non-commissioned food supply officer of undetermined rank
Biliński Leszek "Bill", liaison officer-rifleman
Bocian Jadwiga, liaison officer
Boczar Mieczysław "Dembowski", lieutenant
Brauła Henryk, rifleman, fireman
Bulder Edward "Długi", non-commissioned officer of undetermined rank
Chabros Henryk, liaison officer
Ciesielski Władysław "Inżynier", sergeant
Czech (Wisłocka) Halina "Hawajka", "Lilka", nurse
Daraszkiewicz Antoni "Zalewski", platoon sergeant
Drewiszewski (Drewiczewski) Czesław "Derwisz", corporal, senior orderly
Dutczyński Mieczysław "Stecki", second lieutenant
Falski Brunon "Hugo", master rifleman
Firlej Janina, senior nurse
Gajda Janina "Ewa", nurse
Gąsania Stefan "Ramzes", platoon sergeant
Godzwon Władysław "Gozdawa", "Skiba", lieutenant
Gogół Leokadia "Loda", senior medic
Grabowski Stanisław, non-commissioned officer of undetermined rank
Grodecki Leszek "Lis", corporal
Grzegorzewski Adolf "Adek", non-commissioned officer of undetermined rank
Hardejewicz Czesław "Wichura", master sergeant
Hys Roman, non-commissioned officer
Idzikowski Aleksander "Dzik", liaison officer
Idzikowski Antoni, administrative section
Jakoniuk (Małaczyńska) Zofia "Tola", nurse
Jaźwic Jan "Duży", rifleman
Jóźwik Kazimierz "Wierny", platoon sergeant
Jurkowski Aleksander, technical section
Jurkowski Jerzy "Tasiemka", platoon cadet
Kaczyński Jan, officer of undetermined rank
Kaufmann Bogusław "Bogiel", corporal
Kaufmann Robert "Woda", sergeant – head of the technical section
Kawczyński Ryszard "Spokojny", rifleman
Kleczewski Jan "Bartek", liaison officer
Klimkiewicz Wacław "Czarny", corporal
Kołowski Jan, master sergeant, fireman
Korneć Stefan "Żeglarz", rifleman, fireman
Kosiarek Kazimiera, administrative section
Kowalczyk Stanisław "Juliusz", corporal
Kowalska (Domańska) Maria "Cecylia", nurse
Kowalski Antoni, commandant of the PWPW bunker
Kowalski Jerzy "Jur", rifleman, fireman
Koziańska (Niwińska) Wanda "Wanda", liaison officer
Kucharski Jerzy "Gryf", rifleman
Kuklińska Anna "Kozaczek", nurse
Kulesza Juliusz "Julek", liaison officer-rifleman
Lech Czesław "Biały", lieutenant (posthumously captain) – deputy group commander
Malinowski Konstanty, technical section
Malski Janusz, rifleman
Marchel Roman "Rom", corporal
Medwedowski Józef "Kazimierz", platoon sergeant
Medwedowski Mieczysław "Jur", liaison officer
Michalski Zbigniew "Piszczel", rifleman
Mijas Stanisław "Pingwin", sergeant
Morawska Irena "Renia", nurse
Mróz Lucjan "Sokół", rifleman
Neumann Józef "Kornel", lieutenant
Nieciecki Zygmunt "Sigis", platoon cadet, fireman
Niewiarowska Stanisława "Lola", liaison officer
Nowacka (Wróblewska) Krystyna "Kinga", liaison officer
Nowacka (Szyndler) Maria "Gabriela", senior nurse
Nowakowski Ludwik, liaison officer
Nowakowski Stanisław "Snop", lieutenant (posthumously captain) – adjutant of the group commander
Ogulewicz Władysław, second lieutenant
Osuchowski Tadeusz "Powała", second lieutenant of war time
Owczarek Stanisław "Chmura", "Zagłoba", non-commissioned officer of undetermined rank, technical section
Pełkowski Leopold "Mały", rifleman
Petrynowska Hanna "Rana", doctor – sanitary chief of the group
Pietraszek Wacław, corporal
Płodzik Stanisław, technical section
Pretkiel Jan, inżynier – manager of armaments production
Puchalski Jan Lech "Jaskółka", rifleman
Putkowska (Gawrońska) Janina Barbara "Zośka", nurse
Reingruber Henryk "Rudolf", platoon sergeant
Rożański Jerzy, liaison officer
Rusiecki Eugeniusz "Rawicz", "Niedźwiedź", lieutenant (fire safety lieutenant-colonel) – commandant of the fire brigade
Rybak Jerzy "Wujek", non-commissioned officer of undetermined rank
Skielc Andrzej "Rokita", rifleman
Skórzewska Wanda, nurse
Sobiech Mikołaj, non-commissioned officer of undetermined rank
Sott Władysław, corporal, fireman
Staniszewska Danuta "Danuta", liaison officer
Stankiewicz Andrzej "Granit", senior rifleman
Straszyński Ludwik
Styrna Tadeusz "Szkwał", second lieutenant
Szatkowski (Szadkowski) Stanisław – head of the administrative section
Szelągowski Zdzisław, rifleman
Szpecht Jerzy "Kotwicz", rifleman
Sztora Tadeusz "Bohun", "Pchełka", rifleman
Szybowska (Uryn) Halina "Krystyna", nurse
Szymczak (Mikuła) Marta "Murzynek", nurse
Szymczak Mieczysław, rifleman, fireman
Szynal Marcin "Klucz", corporal
Tiwołowicz Aleksander "Alosza", major – quartermaster of the group
Tołłoczko Józef, captain
Tołłoczko (Pawelska) Wanda "Wanda", nurse
Ulrych Zbigniew, rifleman, fireman
Wieczyński Leonard "Mączka", cadet corporal
Wierzbicka (Świszcz) Irena "Elka", nurse
Wierzbicki Kazimierz "Kieł", cadet corporal
Wierzbicki Ludwik "Judym", captain, doctor
Wierzbicki Stanisław "Pantera", cadet corporal
Wiśniewska Zofia, nurse
Wiśniewski Jerzy "Sewer", corporal
Witeński Władysław "Bajgieł", rifleman
Wochtmann Henryk "Miś", second lieutenant
Wojtulewicz Eugeniusz "Rozłóg", second lieutenant
Zaranek Wiktoria "Szczypiorek", administrative section
Zjawiński Zygmunt, sergeant cadet
Żach Katarzyna, administrative section
NN. "Treblinka", liaison officer
Source - Juliusz Kulesza: W murach Polskiej Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych (konspiracja i Powstanie Warszawskie), Warszawa 2003
Biographical entries of group members, photos

Kazimierz Bereziecki “Bacik”: born 7 June 1923 in Łanięty, died 24 August 1944 in Warsaw. Senior rifleman, under occupation employee of the Polish Banknote Printer. In the Home Army till summer 1944 as "Vis" in K-2 company of "Baszta" regiment, before the outburst of the Warsaw Uprising transferred to PWB/17/S. Participated in the capture of the PWPW and the "Rybaki 35" position, where he was killed by a storm gun shell. Posthumously decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Leszek Biliński “Bill”: born 15 April 1927 in Warsaw, died 12 June 1999 in Wrocław. Liaison officer/rifleman. Under the occupation schoolboy at underground courses, bookbinder in the Polish Banknote Printer. PWPW defender, on 24 August gravely wounded during fighting for the "Rybaki 35" position. Taken to Dulag 121 (Pruszków). After the war imprisoned in 1948 for drawing a crown on the symbols of the state eagle. Employee of the Warsaw construction designing offices, sailing instructor. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Halina Cholewińska „Wala”: born 1 January 1909, died in August 1944 in Warsaw. Qualified health care employee. Nurse in the company under command of the second lieutenant Stefan Kowalski "Jaroń" from concentration "Leśnik". Decorated with the Cross of Valour, fatally wounded during retreat from the Polish Banknote Printer during an attempt at saving her sister. Unknown place of burial, probably under the Wójtowska street carriageway.

Irena Cholewińska „Uta”: born 19 October 1910, died in August 1944. Nurse in the company under command of the second lieutenant Stefan Kowalski "Jaroń" from concentration "Leśnik". Decorated with the Cross of Valour, fatally wounded during retreat from the Polish Banknote Printer. Unknown place of burial, probably under the Wójtowska street carriageway.

Mieczysław Chyżyński „Rzędzian”, „Pełka”: born 11 November 1889 in Zamość, died 9 July 1981 in Warsaw. Professional officer of infantry, since 1930 major of the Polish Army, lieutenant-colonel in the Rifleman Union. Member of the PPS – participant in the revolution of 1905, exile, as of 1914 soldier of the 1st Brigade of Legions, prisoner in Szczypiorna, participant in Germans disarming in 1918. Officer in the 32nd regiment of infantry, battalion commander in the 55th regiment of infantry, commandant in Stryj. After retirement security inspector in the Polish Banknote Printer. In 1939 organiser of the social region of the underground Organisation of the White Eagle, as of 1940 manager of the department of production of banknotes and documents in the 7th Department of the ZWZ Headquarters. Founder and commandant of PWB/17/S group, during the Warsaw Uprising commandant of defence of the PWPW. Imprisoned after the war, later retired lieutenant-colonel. Activist of the Military Settler Union in the Western Territories, employer at "Centrofarm", Decorated with class V Virtuti Militari Cross.

Halina Czech-Wisłocka „Hawajka”, „Lilka”: born 16 April 1924, died in 1986 in Gdańsk. Medical aid. Co-organiser of the first-aid post No 3 in the Polish Banknote Printer site. Released from service with a part of nurses she was charged by doctor Hanna Petrynowska with the task of assisting the lightly wounded evacuated from PWPW. After capitulation of the Uprising she left Warsaw together with the civilian population.

Antoni Daraszkiewicz „Zalewski”: born 25 May 1899, died 18 June 1996 in Warsaw. Platoon sergeant. During the inter war period and during the war a guard in the Polish Banknote Printer. During the war a HA soldier, participated in the action of printing banknotes for the needs of the ZWZ-AK Headquarters, member of the combat team of the PWB/17/S group. During the Warsaw Uprising he took part in the capture of the PWPW from the inside, commencing the action by throwing grenades on the machine guns located by the main entrance to the Printer. After leaving the PWPW he fought in the Old Town till 2 September. He left Warsaw with the civilian population, imprisoned in concentration camps in Oranienburg, Sachsenhausen and Buchenwald. Decorated with the Virtuti Militari Cross and the Cross of Valour.

Mieczysław Dutczyński „Stecki”: born 30 August 1906, died 28 August 1944 in Warsaw. Second lieutenant. Graduate from the Academy of Arts in Cracow, student of Teodor Axentowicz and Wojciech Weiss. Artist-graphic designer, engraver, author of postmarks and banknotes. As of about 1938 employee of the Polish Banknote Printer. During the Warsaw Uprising he was a commander of one of the squads of the western part of the PWPW complex, between the central block and Zakroczymska Str., with the side gate. He participated in the last fights in defence of the Printer building. He was last seen on the day of evacuation of the redoubt – on 28 August.

Leszek Grodecki „Lis”: born 21 September 1921 in Warsaw, died 21 June 2015 in Warsaw. Corporal. Under the occupation schoolboy at underground secondary school courses. In the underground soldier of the 7th Regiment of Infantry "Magadaskar"/"Garłuch", participant of sabotage and disarming actions. During the Warsaw Uprising at first in battalion "Parasol" (wounded on 8 August), then in battalion "Miotła", since 17 August in PWB/17/S. PWPW defender, after retreat via sewers from the Old Town in concentration "Konrad" (Powiśle). After capitulation of the Uprising prisoner of war of Stalag XI-B Fallingbostel, from where he fled in the winter of 1945 to his motherland. After the war he graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology as a chemical engineer, he worked as a designer in sugar industry plants. Participant of international contests and many times a representative of Poland in volleyball. Decorated two times with the Cross of Valour.

Czesław Hardejewicz „Wichura”: born 14 June 1902 in Liw, died 29/30 August 1944 in Warsaw. Master sergeant. Volunteer in the Polish-Soviet war of 1920, between wars and during the war he was a security officer in the Polish Banknote Printer. Participant in the sabotage actions (cellulose fire). During the Warsaw Uprising he distinguished himself on 2 August during capturing the PWPW (he was wounded), and then its defence – in "Roma" squad and then in the team under command of lieutenant Mieczysław Boczar "Dembowski". At the end of August he was seized prisoner of war and shot down. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Aleksander Idzikowski „Dzik”: born 3 February 1927 in Warsaw, died 11 April 1972 in Warsaw. Liaison officer. Under occupation he was an employee in the mechanical shop in the Polish Banknote Printer, during the Warsaw Uprising HA soldier in squad "Roma". On 8 August seriously wounded by a shell on "Rybaki 35" position (years later – permanently disabled). After the war he worked in pharmaceutical institutions. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Jerzy Jurkowski „Tasiemka”: born 27 December 1903 in Warsaw, died 12 October 1974 in Warsaw. Platoon cadet. Professional engraver. Participant of the Polish-Soviet war of 1920 and defensive war of 1939 in the 1st Regiment of Light Cavalry. Underground HA non-commissioned officer in the battalion of Mounted Artillery named after general Józef Bem, during the Warsaw Uprising defender of the Polish Banknote Printer, squad "Roma" (on 20 August wounded by mortar shell). After passing via the sewers to Śródmieście, in concentration "Golski". After the capitulation of the Uprising prisoner of war in Stalag Sandbostel. In his young days record holder and representative of Poland in swimming, after the war a sports activist. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Bogusław Kaufmann „Bogiel”: born 5 August 1925 in Warsaw, died 22 June 1998 in Warsaw. Corporal. Under the occupation schoolboy at underground secondary school courses. In the underground soldier of the 7th Regiment of Infantry "Madagaskar"/"Garłuch", attended officer and sapper courses. During the Warsaw Uprising initially squad commander in battalion "Parasol", wounded on 12 August during fights in Wola. After leaving the hospital as of 17 August in squad "Roma". Defender of the Polish Banknote Printer, on 28 August wounded again while covering the retreat from the PWPW. After capitulation of the in hospital in Milanówek, then in compulsory labour camps in Berlin and Czechoslovakia, participant in the uprising in Prague in 1945. After the war he graduated from the Department of Polish Language and Literature at the Warsaw University, worked for many years in foreign trade agencies Centromor and Polimex-Cekop. Decorated two times with the Cross of Valour.

Maria Kowalska-Domańska „Cecylia”: born 5 January 1920, died 5 March 1995. Clerk in the Art Department of the Polish Banknote Printer. As a nurse she helped doctor Hanna Petrynowska setting up hospital and was one of the four who remained with the doctor with the seriously wounded, when the insurgents left the PWPW building. It was from her account that we know about doctor Petrynowska's last moments. After the war she graduated from humane studies and worked in publishing houses, i.a. in "Bellona".

Jerzy Kucharski „Gryf”: born 6 February 1929 in Warsaw, died 1 March 2017. Rifleman. Under occupation he attended Mechanical School No 2. During the Warsaw Uprising as a volunteer he took part in the capturing of the Polish Banknote Printer and in fights in defence of the PWPW. After leaving the Printer he fought till 2 September in the Old Town, then left Warsaw with the civilian population. He was held in Dulag 121 Pruszków and KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, from where he was taken to KL Flossenbürg. After liberation by the USA army he stayed for some time in the Polish Military Center Langwasser then returned to Poland.

Juliusz Kulesza „Julek”: born 19 May 1928 in Warsaw. Rifleman. During the war student at the underground school courses and then evening courses of the Graphical School, at the same time since 1942 apprentice graphic designer at the Polish Banknote Printer. During the Warsaw Uprising liaison officer, then rifleman in the Home Army, squad "Rom", PWPW defender. After capitulation of the Uprising fugitive from Dulag 121 (Pruszków). After the war graduate from Department of Graphics at the Academy of Arts in Warsaw and member of the Polish Union of Visual Artists. Designer of published graphics, documentalist of the and author of books about the Uprising. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Czesław Lech „Biały”: born 24 April 1904 in Turza Mała, died 28 August 1944 in Warsaw. Professional officer in artillery. Secondary school in Mława, cadet school in Toruń. Since 1930 a second lieutenant, later in the 9th mounted battalion in Baranowicze. In 1934 retired, as of 1936 auditor at the Polish Banknote Printer, after attending accountancy courses. During the war member of ZWZ-AK, as of 1942 lieutenant of the HA. Second commander of group PWB/17/S and commander of its combat team. During the Warsaw Uprising he commanded the capture of PWPW from inside. Second commander of defence of the Printer, during the final fights for the building he fought in the cover unit and was killed during retreat. Posthumously promoted to captain rank, decorated with the class V Virtuti Militari Cross.

Roman Marchel „Rom”: born 25 May 1915 in Warsaw, died 18 May 1984 in Warsaw. Corporal, commander of defence of Rybaki 35. Car mechanics, member of the Rifleman Union. Before the war soldier of the 1st Artillery Regiment in Góra Kalwarii. Volunteer in defensive war of 1939: member of battles in Lubelszczyzna. During the occupation driver in the Warsaw Mint, then in the Polish Banknote Printer, where in 1940 he joined the ZWZ. He transported arms and banknote paper for the needs of the underground, during the Warsaw Uprising he took part in the capture and defence of the PWPW. On 24 August he was wounded during repulsing an attack. After the war he returned to work in the PWPW, and then in a construction transport company. Since 1983 vice president of the group of former soldiers of HA concentration "Róg". Decorated with class V Virtuti Militari Cross.

Lucjan Mróz „Sokół”: born 11 April 1910 in Warsaw, died 18 July 1975 in Warsaw. Rifleman. Economist by profession, under occupation a clerk in the Polish Banknote Printer. During the Warsaw Uprising soldier of the "Roma" group, defender of position "Rybaki 35". After the battles for the Old Town taken with the civilian population to Dulag 121 Pruszków. After the war managerial positions in public institutions.

Tadeusz Osuchowski „Powała”: born 29 October 1907 in Biskupice, died around 1980 in Silesia. Second lieutenant of reserve. In his youth member of amateur theatre troupes. Before the war and under occupation audit inspector in the Polish Banknote Printer. Underground HA soldier, during the Warsaw Uprising he took part in the capturing of the PWPW, between 4 and 19 August commander of defence of the "Rybaki 35" position, then liaison officer. Gravely wounded during the final phase of combat for the PWPW. After the war outside Warsaw.

Hanna Petrynowska „Rana”: born 23 February 1901 in Warsaw, died 28 August 1944 in Warsaw. Maiden name Żabińska, sister to an outstanding zoologist, Dr. Jan Żabiński. In 1918 she finished the Paulina Hewelke's secondary school in Warsaw, doctor pediatrician (WU diploma in 1924). School doctor, as of 1935 employee of the Municipal Medical Aid, immediately before the war she taught at first-aid courses for girls graduates from secondary schools. As of 1940 in-house doctor in the PWPW (after her husband Marian was arrested; earlier he held that function). Head of the first-aid section of the independent group HA PWB/17/S. During the Warsaw Uprising she set up a first-aid post in the PWPW, transformed later into a field hospital. When the crew was leaving the Printer she voluntarily stayed with the seriously wounded and was killed during discharging her doctor's obligations. Posthumously decorated with class V Virtuti Militari Cross.

Jan Lech Puchalski „Jaskółka”: born 28 October 1928 in Warsaw, died 3 October 1955 in Warsaw. Rifleman. Under occupation schoolboy, during the Warsaw Uprising HA soldier in squad "Roma", took part in fights for the "Rybaki 35" position. After retreat from the Old Town via sewers, soldier in group "Krybar" (Northern Powiśle), then participants in fights in Czerniaków in concentration "Radosław". After the war a car driver, died tragically. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Jerzy Rożański: born w 1926 in Warsaw, died 28 or 29 August 1944 in Warsaw. Liaison officer. Under occupation an apprentice in the composing room in the Polish Banknote Printer, during the Warsaw Uprising HA soldier in squad "Roma". Released from service on 12 August after his father died. After the end of defence of the PWPW he was seized by Germans, kept in Traugutta park with a group of civilian population. Germans read out his name and those of several other young men. They were taken to the Citadel and never came back.

Jerzy Rybak „Wujek”: born 23 February or November 1895 in Warsaw, died in 1966 in Warsaw. Non-commissioned officer of undetermined rank. In WW I he fought in the Russian army. Construction technician by profession, during the interwar period he worked in erecting grain elevators. As of January 1939 clerk of the administrative department in the Polish Banknote Printer. During the Warsaw Uprising HA soldier in squad "Roma", PWPW defender, wounded on 23 August in combat for the "Rybaki 35" position. He left Warsaw with the civilian population. After the war he was an employee in the Voivodship Office in Łódź, later he worked as an auditor in the Polish Grain Plant in Warsaw.

Andrzej Stankiewicz „Granit”: born 14 August 1927 in Jedlnia, died 21 August 1992 in Warsaw. Master rifleman. During the war a schoolboy attending underground lessons and a member of underground scout organisation Szare Szeregi (patrol "Kamienie"). During the Warsaw Uprising HA soldier in squad "Roma", took part in the capture of the Polish Banknote Printer and in its defence. On 23 August severely wounded in combat for retrieval of "Rybaki 35" position. After capitulation of the Uprising prisoner of war in KL Auschwitz and Leitmeritz. After the war he worked many years in the Ministry of Communication as senior traction inspector. We was considered one of the bravest soldiers in the squad "Roma", Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Tadeusz Sztora „Pchełka”: born 18 February 1927 in Warsaw, died in September 1944 in Warsaw. Rifleman. During the war a schoolboy, during the Warsaw Uprising HA soldier in squad "Roma", wounded on 24 August in combat for the "Rybaki 35" position. After passing via sewers to Śródmieście he was in battalion "Parasol" (concentration "Radosław") and fought in Czerniaków, where he fell in action by the end of September, probably from an air bomb by Wilanowska Str., and according to another version by the wreck of the steamship "Bajka". The body was not found. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Marta Szymczak-Mikuła „Murzynek”: born 31 January 1920 in Warsaw, died 15 May 2010 in Warsaw. During the war a counter in the Polish Banknote Printer. Liaison officer and nurse, during the Warsaw Uprising took part in the capture of the PWPW from the inside. Wounded in combat in defence of the Printer. After capitulation of the Uprising she was taken to Dulag 121 (Pruszków), then taken to Berlin, where she worked compulsorily on a farm.

Marcin Szynal „Klucz”: born 6 September 1913 in Majdan Sieniawski, died 28 August 1944 in Warsaw. Corporal. Before the war soldier of the 39th Regiment of Infantry in Jarosław, then in the Border Protection Corps (Polish-Romanian border). As of 1937 employee in the hospital furniture manufacturing plant in Warsaw. Took part in the defensive war of 1939. During the Warsaw Uprising HA soldier in squad "Roma", took part in the capture of the Polish Banknote Printer and in fights in its defence. Severely wounded on 8 by a shell on the "Rybaki 35" position. He stayed in several hospitals in the Old Town and returned to the hospital in the PWPW, where he was murdered by grenades. His body was not found. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Wanda Tołłoczko-Pawelska „Wanda”: born 26 May 1924, died 24 December 2016. Medical student, employed in the Polish Banknote Printer as a counting and sorting clerk. Volunteer nurse: on 2 August she reported to the commander asking for acceptance to the medical team. After leaving the PWPW as assistant to the wounded in transportation to the insurrectionary hospital at Długa Str. she fought in company "Osa".

Leonard Wieczyński „Mączka”: born 22 April 1912 in Cracow, died 6 May 1990 in Kalisz. Cadet corporal. During the interwar period student of law, participant of the defensive war of 1939 as an anti-craft artilleryman in the area of Lvov. Under occupation in Warsaw, underground soldier of a HA sabotage organisation "Wachlarz", then in the Battalion of Mounted Artillery named after general Józef Bem. During the Warsaw Uprising in squad "Roma", defender of the Polish Banknote Printer, on 24 August severely wounded in the fights for the "Rybaki 35" position. After the war imprisoned in Wrocław for participation in the Home Army. He went to live in Kalisz, where he worked as a clerk. After retirement he completed the university courses he began before the war – the Department of Law in the Poznań University. Decorated with the Cross of Valour.

Władysław Witeński „Bajgieł”: born 19 June 1929 in Warsaw, died 15 May 1945 in Mauthausen (Germany). Rifleman. Under occupation a schoolboy, during the Warsaw Uprising a HA soldier in squad "Roma" (the youngest in the unit). Participant of the defence of the Polish Banknote Printer, on 24 August severely wounded during driving back the attack on the "Rybaki 35" position. After the Uprising prisoner of war in KL Auschwitz and Mauthausen, where he died of emaciation in the camp hospital several days after the end of the war.
Author: Paweł Popiel based on Juliusz Kulesza's: W murach Polskiej Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych (konspiracja i Powstanie Warszawskie), Warszawa 2003; Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych S.A. 1919-2008, Warszawa 2010
Życie Wytwórni Nr 28/2004
Życie Wytwórni Nr 26/2005
Życie Wytwórni Nr 29/2006
Życie Wytwórni Nr 29/2007
Życie Wytwórni Nr 27/2008
Życie Wytwórni Nr 29/2009
Życie Wytwórni Nr 27/2010
Życie Wytwórni Nr 28/2011
Życie Wytwórni Nr 26/2012
Życie Wytwórni Nr 27/2013
Życie Wytwórni Nr 28/2014
Komiks "Drużyna Roma"
- Eisenmarks (vouchers handed out by German scrap metal collecting points); since 1944
- fettkarts (fat-meat vouchers); since 1943
- surcharge of current value "Generalgouvernement für die Besetzen polnischen Gebiete" on 100 zł banknotes (lithographic point at Żulińskiego 3 ap. 11); 1939/1940
- banknotes; 1940-1943

- kkenkarts (occupational ID document)
- durchlasscheins (documents authorising to move freely to any country of occupied Europe)
- Lebensmittelkarten (food ration coupons)
Author: Paweł Popiel based on Juliusz Kulesza's: W murach Polskiej Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych (konspiracja i Powstanie Warszawskie), Warszawa 2003
- Theft of military maps of the USSR by the printer engineer at PWPW Felicjan Borysiewicz "Jurand", "Sęp", "Borowiec" and controller at PWPW Janina Sowińska "Jasia", "Janeczka", "N.1" printed in the Printer
- Delivery to the Department of Legalization and Techniques at Branch II of the Home Army Headquarters of prints of documents in form of original copies, separate for each colour and template copies from each stage of production
- Delivery to the Headquarters of the "Skała" organisation of forms of cards for the members of professional, voluntary or in-house firemen
- Delivery of samples of colours for German food ration coupons
- Acquisition of illegal surplus of banknote paper from local paper mills
- Fire in the underground cellulose warehouse on the Zakroczymska Str. side; 4 December 1942
- Delivery of 17 pistols by railwaymen of section "Wacek" to the point at Sienna Str. for arming the security section of PWB/17/S and the Department VII of the HA Headquarters; 1943
- Disconnection by railwaymen from section "Wacek" of an arms transport sent to the eastern front, transferred to the Warsaw ghetto by major Mieczysław Chyżyński "Rzędzian", "Pełka"; May 1943
- Fires initiated by the in-house firemen in the paint room and scrap storage premises, as well as frequent self-ignitions in fine coal storage areas and in the boiler house of the residential building
Author: Paweł Popiel based on Juliusz Kulesza's: W murach Polskiej Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych (konspiracja i Powstanie Warszawskie), Warszawa 2003